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By clicking above, you agree to these terms.Dawn of Nexus is a third person transformable vehicular action combat game. You play as NCORE, which is a fast-moving hover vehicle that is able to move quickly to fight against various enemies. Additionally, you are able to transform into TESLA, a large, slow moving vehicle that overcomes its weakness with high firepower. As NCORE, you have been awakened and to fight against the forces of Yama Industries and stop its tyranny once and for all.
Champion of Project Management and Team SupportBing WOO
Champion of Character and Level DesignJun TANG
Champion of Boss AI and ConceptWei TAN
Champion of Gameplay and EffectMin ONG
Champion of Enemy AIZheng CHOY
Champion of Character Modelling & UI DesignRuiwu WENG
Champion of Environment Level Modeling